Bigbellies are here...but you don’t need to hide...they won’t eat you, just your trash.
Bigbellies are the brand name of state of the art trash receptacles that have now been placed strategically around Old Harbor. Bigbellies feature two bins, one for recyclables and one for regular trash. They compact the trash down to as little as one fifth of its original volume. And, through wireless technology, the Bigbellies inform Block Island Recycling Management (which has the trash collection contract with the town) when a pick up is needed. Further, they boast hands-free operation with foot pedal activation.
All of this and they don’t need to be plugged in because they run exclusively on solar power.
That is why the Old Harbor Task Force (OHTF) applied to the Solar Initiative for a grant to purchase five additional Bigbellies. And that’s why, after due diligence, the Solar Initiative was pleased to fund the grant application. “Last year Sean McGarry of BIRM [informed] the OHTF of his purchase of one set to try out...They have been in use for a year and performed beautifully.”
Bigbellies “offer many benefits over the [previous] trash cans: better sanitation, energy conservation, reduced carbon footprint...enhanced street aesthetics, and they promote recycling.” (Quotations from the OHTF application.)
In addition to the original Bigbelly in front of Old Harbor Take Out, the five new locations are: the Block Island Grocery, the Red Bird, Island Free Library, the National Hotel, and Esta’s Park.
Keep Block Island clean, reduce carbon emissions, recycle containers, all courtesy of the sun. When next in Old Harbor, remember to feed the Bigbellies.
The Solar Initiative also offers subsidies on photovoltaic systems and home heat pumps. Call (508) 272-8822 or visit our website for more information.